For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Highlights of our Christmas Vacation:
- Seeing most of both sides of our families, from the Picklesimers & Grosses (my side) to the Pettuses (his side.)
- So. Much. Food. (PTL for Yoga Pants and 1/2 price gym memberships..)
- Watching family interact with Bennett, our 8 month old daughter. (PRECIOUS)
- Buying and giving gifts to B, even though she had little to no interest in the actual gift and all the interest in eating the wrapping.
- Bennett debuting as “Baby Jesus” in the annual family christmas play. (With her mom and dad acting as Mary & Joseph..Joseph was thrilled to play the part, let me tell you..haha)
- B12 Shots & Antibiotics.
The Not-So-Highlights of our Christmas Vacation:
- Traveling. With an 8 month old. For hours. And hours. Bless her heart, she hates the carseat & trips longer than 45 minutes.
- So. Much. Food. (Diet starts Jan. 1!)
- Loading all of the sweet gifts and our luggage into our midsize SUV.. Turns out, it does not have as much space as I thought it had.
- Getting a sinus infection and being miserable until I was able to get a Steroid & B12 shot and some antibiotics. (Those shots are no joke! Yowch!)
The one thing I keep saying is that we are just so blessed. I spent a good 45 minutes to an hour last night just thanking God for this phase of life. It’s hard sometimes, and I know we don’t always do the right thing, but boy is it a joy to be in! I hope all of you had a fantastic Christmas & Holiday season and have a very happy new year. I put together a few clips of our Christmas, some of them are quite shaky, but when Nana Pickle wants a hug, you don’t say no just because you’re holding a camera! 😉